
  1. Proposed Optical Manipulation of Nanoparticles to Access and Select Emission Lines
    Takao Horai, Takudo Wada, Yoshiki Saito, Yuto Makino, Masaaki Ashida, and Hajime Ishihara
    Nano Lett. 25, 2785–2792 (2025)

  2. Enhanced photoluminescence of strongly coupled single molecule-plasmonic nanocavity: analysis of spectral modifications using nonlocal response theory
    Yoshitsugu Tomoshige, Mamoru Tamura, Tomohiro Yokoyama, and Hajime Ishihara
    Nanophotonics, 2025

  3. Tip-enhanced photoluminescence imaging of porphyrin tapes: exploring the nonlocality of molecular orbitals
    Yoshitsugu Tomoshige, Mamoru Tamura, and Hajime Ishihara
    Appl. Phys. Express, 18, 022004 (2025)



  1. Size- and Shape-Dependent Separation of Multinary Quantum Dots with Plasmonic Thin-Layer Chromatography
    Kazutaka Akiyoshi, Yui Maeda, Naoko Yamaguchi, Tatsuya Kameyama, Yasuyuki Tsuboi, Hidemasa Yamane, Hajime Ishihara, and Tsukasa Torimoto
    The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2024 128 (2), 908-918

  2. Nanorod Size Dependence of Coherent Coupling between Individual and Collective Excitations via Transverse Electromagnetic Field
    Masayuki Iio, Tomohiro Yokoyama, Takeshi Inaoka, and Hajime Ishihara
    Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 93, 024701 (2024)

  3. Optical Imaging of a Single Molecule with Subnanometer Resolution by Photoinduced Force Microscopy
    Tatsuya Yamamoto, Hidemasa Yamane, Nobuhiko Yokoshi, Hisaki Oka, Hajime Ishihara, and Yasuhiro Sugawara
    ACS Nano Vol. 18, pp. 1724–1732 (2024)

  4. Mapping electric field components of superchiral field with photo-induced force
    Hidemasa Yamane, Masayuki Hoshina, Nobuhiko Yokoshi, and Hajime Ishihara
    J. Chem. Phys. 160, 044115 (2024)

  5. Scheme to Enhance Hot Carrier Generation Owing to the Localized Mode of Hybridized Plasmon in Gold Nanoparticle Arrays
    Soshun Inoue, Tomohiro Yokoyama, Keiji Sasaki, Hiroaki Misawa, and Hajime Ishihara
    The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 128, 2796-2802 (2024)

  6. Nanoscopic Photomechanical Motion of Small Particles Induced by Optical Force due to Positive and Negative Photoabsorption by Excited States of Molecules
    Syoji Ito, Takato Mizoguchi, Masato Mori, Masafumi Koga, Hikaru Sotome, Mamoru Tamura, Hajime Ishihara, and Hiroshi Miyasaka
    The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 128, 5206-5214 (2024)

  7. Size-Dependent Optical Response in Coupled Systems of Plasmons and Electron–Hole Pairs in Metallic Nanostructures
    Masayuki Iio, Tomohiro Yokoyama, Takeshi Inaoka, and Hajime Ishihara
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 93, 044712 (2024)

  8. Generalized Optical Binding for Multiple Assemblies of Nanoparticles under Multiple Laser Beams
    Yukihiro Tao, Tomohiro Yokoyama, and Hajime Ishihara
    Nano Letters 24, 11960-11967(2024)

  9. Nonlocal Response Theory for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering with Metal Nanogap
    H. Ikagawa; M. Tamura; H. Ishihara
    2024 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR)

  10. Theory for Spectral Analysis of Photo-Induced Force Microscopy of Single Molecule
    Mamoru Tamura; Hidemasa Yamane; Hajime Ishihara
    2024 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR)

  11. Nonlocal Response Theory for Enhanced Photoluminescence of Molecule Coupled With Plasmonic Nanocavity
    Yoshitsugu Tomoshige; Mamoru Tamura; Hajime Ishihara
    2024 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR)

  12. Selective Detection of DNA by Optical Condensation with Nano-Bowl Substrate
    Ryoma Hasegawa; Masatoshi Kanoda; Kota Hayashi; Shuichi Toyouchi; Mamoru Tamura; Shiho Tokonami
    2024 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR)

  13. Specific Detection of Virus S-Protein in Real Samples with Nano-Bowl Substrate
    Masatoshi Kanoda; Kota Hayashi; Yumiko Takagi; Mamoru Tamura; Shiho Tokonami; Takuya Iida
    2024 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR)

  14. Evaluation of Photocurrent and Thermal Effects on Photosynthetic Microbes Under Multiple Optical Condensation
    Ryuki Hotta; Kota Hayashi; Anna Honda; Mamoru Tamura; Takuya Iida; Shiho Tokonami
    2024 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR)


  1. 石原 一,藤原 英樹,笹木 敬司
    会誌 NEW DIAMOND 第154号 Vol.40 No.3, p18 (2024) (一般社団法人ニューダイヤモンドフォーラム)
  2. 菅原康弘、山根秀勝、李艶君、余越伸彦、石原一
    「光学」第53巻 第8号 pp.331 (2024)



  1. Near-field circular dichroism of single molecules
    Hidemasa Yamane, Nobuhiko Yokoshi, Hisaki Oka, Yasuhiro Sugawara, and Hajime Ishihara
    Optics Express Vol. 31, pp. 3415-3426 (2023)

  2. Rotational dynamics of indirect optical bound particle assembly under a single tightly focused laser
    Yukihiro Tao, Tomohiro Yokoyama, and Hajime Ishihara
    Optics Express Vol. 31, pp. 3804-3820 (2023)
    Highlighted as an Editor’s Pick

  3. Directional Characteristics of Superfluorescence Controlled by Spatial Configurations
    Hirofumi Shiraki, Nobuhiko Yokoshi, and Hajime Ishihara
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., Vol. 92, 024402 (2023)

  4. Functionalized High-Speed Magnon Polaritons Resulting from Magnonic Antenna Effect
    Kenta Kato, Tomohiro Yokoyama, and Hajime Ishihara
    Phys. Rev. Applied 19, 034035

  5. Basics of optical force
    Mamoru Tamura, Takudo Wada, and Hajime Ishihara
    Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews Vol. 54, 100570 (2023)

  6. Enantioselective optical trapping of single chiral molecules in the superchiral field vicinity of metal nanostructures
    Hidemasa Yamane, Nobuhiko Yokoshi, Hajime Ishihara, and Hisaki Oka
    Optics Express Vol.31, pp. 13708-13723 (2023)

  7. Quantum-Coherence-Enhanced Hot-Electron Injection under Modal Strong Coupling
    Yen-En Liu, Xu Shi, Tomohiro Yokoyama, Soshun Inoue, Yuji Sunaba, Tomoya Oshikiri, Quan Sun, Mamoru Tamura, Hajime Ishihara, Keiji Sasaki, and Hiroaki Misawa
    ACS Nano Vol. 17, pp. 8315-8323 (2023)

  8. Ultrafast sensitivity-controlled and specific detection of extracellular vesicles using optical force with antibody-modified microparticles in a microflow system
    Kana Fujiwara, Yumiko Takagi, Mamoru Tamura, Mika Omura, Kenta Morimoto, Ikuhiko Nakase, Shiho Tokonami and Takuya Iida
    Nanoscale Horizons 8, 1034-1042(2023)

  9. Promoting Oxygen Reduction Reaction by Excitation of Localized Surface Plasmon of Shape- and Facet-Controlled Octahedral Au@Pt Core-Shell Nanocrystals
    Tatsuya Kameyama, Kentaro Sato, Takahisa Yamamoto, Mamoru Tamura, Takuya Iida, Tatsuya Shoji, Yasuyuki Tsuboi, and Tsukasa Torimoto
    ChemElectroChem, 10, e202300182 (2023)

  10. Josephson diode effect derived from short-range coherent coupling
    Sadashige Matsuo, Takaya Imoto, Tomohiro Yokoyama, Yosuke Sato, Tyler Lindemann, Sergei Gronin, Geoffrey C. Gardner, Michael J. Manfra, and Seigo Tarucha
    Nature Physics (2023)

  11. Formulation of optical force induced by superfluorescence
    Nobuhiko Yokoshi, Hirofumi Shiraki, Hajime Ishihara
    Proc. SPIE 12606, Optical Manipulation and Structured Materials Conference, 126060F (20 September 2023)

  12. Extended optical binding with single and two focal laser beams
    Tomohiro Yokoyama, Yukihiro Tao, Hajime Ishihara
    Proc. SPIE 12606, Optical Manipulation and Structured Materials Conference, 126060O (20 September 2023)

  13. How does optical vortex advance laser-induced forward transfer
    Mamoru Tamura, Satoyuki Kawano, Takashige Omatsu
    Proc. SPIE 12606, Optical Manipulation and Structured Materials Conference, 126060R (20 September 2023)

  14. Analysis by nonlocal response theory of tip-enhanced photoluminescence image of a single molecule
    Yoshitsugu Tomoshige, Mamoru Tamura, Tomohiro Yokoyama, and Hajime Ishihara
    Proc. SPIE 12606, Optical Manipulation and Structured Materials Conference, 126060T (20 September 2023)

  15. Luminescence-driven optomechanical system with micromechanical membranes
    H. Arahari, S. Konishi, S. Akita, H. Ishihara
    Proc. SPIE 12606, Optical Manipulation and Structured Materials Conference, 126060Y (20 September 2023)

  16. Light-induced acceleration of antigen-antibody reaction for detecting attogram-level proteins
    Takuya Iida, Shota Hamatani, Yumiko Takagi, Kana Fujiwara, Mamoru Tamura, Shiho Tokonami
    Proc. SPIE 12606, Optical Manipulation and Structured Materials Conference, 1260618 (20 September 2023)

  17. Effect of interface in fiber-based optical condensation
    Kota Hayashi, Mamoru Tamura, Masazumi Fujiwara, Shiho Tokonami, Takuya Iida
    Proc. SPIE 12606, Optical Manipulation and Structured Materials Conference, 1260619 (20 September 2023)


  1. H. Ishihara, K. Sasaki, J. Hofkens, K. Imura, S. Ishizaka
    “Preface: Optical force techniques”
    For the Special Issues “Cutting-edge optical force techniques for materials science and technologies”, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews (2023)
  2. 石原 一
    生産と技術 Vol.75, No.2 pp. 59-62 (2023年 春号)
  3. 石原 一、田村 守
    (エヌ・ティー・エス 出版)(2023)



  1. Optical force spectroscopy for measurement of nonlinear optical coefficient of single nanoparticles through optical manipulation
    T. Wada and H. Ishihara
    Optics Express Vol. 30, pp. 17490-17516 (2022)

  2. Comprehensive microscopic theory for coupling of individual and collective excitations via longitudinal and transverse fields
    Tomohiro Yokoyama, Masayuki Iio, Takashi Kinoshita, Takeshi Inaoka, and Hajime Ishihara
    Physical Review B Vol. 105, p. 165408 (2022)

  3. Light intensity imbalance in 2D magnetic photonic crystals with a real number in off-diagonal components of a dielectric tensor
    A. Syouji, Y. Kamijyo, K. Fukushima, and H. Ishihara
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 551, p. 168990 (2022)

  4. Development of plasmonic thin-layer chromatography for size-selective and optical-property-dependent separation of quantum dots
    Tsukasa Torimoto, Naoko Yamaguchi, Yui Maeda, Kazutaka Akiyoshi, Tatsuya Kameyama, Tatsuya Nagai, Tatsuya Shoji, Hidemasa Yamane, Hajime Ishihara, and Yasuyuki Tsuboi
    NPG Asia Materials, Vol. 14, p. 64 (2022)

  5. Plasmonic nanoscale temperature shaping on a single titanium nitride nanostructure
    Mamoru Tamura, Takuya Iida, and Kenji Setoura
    Nanoscale, Vol. 14, p. 12589 (2022)

  6. Nanoneedle formation via doughnut beam-induced Marangoni effects
    Mamoru Tamura, Takashige Omatsu, and Takuya Iida
    Optics Express, Vol. 30, Issue 20, pp. 35136-35145 (2022)

  7. Optical gradient force on chiral particles
    Junsuke Yamanishi, Hyo-Yong Ahn, Hidemasa Yamane, Shun Hashiyada, Hajime Ishihara, Ki Tae Nam, and Hiromi Okamoto
    Science Advances, Vol. 8, p. eabq2604 (2022)

  8. Attogram-level light-induced antigen-antibody binding confined in microflow
    Takuya Iida, Shota Hamatani, Yumiko Takagi, Kana Fujiwara, Mamoru Tamura, and Shiho Tokonami
    Communications Biology Vol. 5, 1053 (2022)

  9. Chirality-selective superfluorescence based on chiral interactions
    Hirofumi Shiraki, Nobuhiko Yokoshi, and Hajime Ishihara
    Physical Review A 106, 053511

  10. Quantitative fluorescence spectroscopy of living bacteria by optical condensation with a bubble-mimetic solid–liquid interface
    Kota Hayashi, Mamoru Tamura, Shiho Tokonami, and Takuya Iida
    AIP Advances 12, 125214 (2022)

  11. Light-Induced Condensation of Biofunctional Molecules around Targeted Living Cells to Accelerate Cytosolic Delivery
    Ikuhiko Nakase, Moe Miyai, Kosuke Noguchi, Mamoru Tamura, Yasuyuki Yamamoto, Yushi Nishimura, Mika Omura, Kota Hayashi, Shiroh Futaki, Shiho Tokonami, and Takuya Iida
    Nano Letters 22, 9805 (2022)


  1. 横山 知大
    豊田研究報告 第75号 2022年
  2. H. Ishihara and K. Cho
    “Nonlocal optical response of nanostructures”
    Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering (Elsevier, 2022)



  1. Optical selection and sorting of nanoparticles according to quantum mechanical properties
    H. Fujiwara, K. Yamauchi, T. Wada, H. Ishihara, Keiji Sasaki
    Science Advances Vol. 7, no. 3, eabd9551 (2021)

  2. Optical manipulation of nanoscale materials by linear and nonlinear resonant optical responses
    H. Ishihara
    Advances in Physics: X, 6, 1, 1885991 (2021)

  3. Twisted light-induced spin–spin interaction in a chiral helimagnet
    Y. Goto, H. Ishihara, N. Yokoshi
    New J. Phys. 23 053004 (2021)

  4. Optical force mapping at the single-nanometre scale
    J. Yamanishi, H. Yamane, Y. Naitoh, Y. J. Li, N. Yokoshi, T. Kameyama, S. Koyama, T. Torimoto, H. Ishihara & Y. Sugawara
    Nature Communications 12, 3865 (2021)
    Featured in Editors’ Highlights

  5. Single-molecule laser nanospectroscopy with micro–electron volt energy resolution
    H. Imada, M. Imai-Imada, K. Miwa, H. Yamane, T. Iwasa, Y. Tanaka, N. Toriumi, K. Kimura, N. Yokoshi, A. Muranaka, M. Uchiyama, T. Taketsugu, Y. K. Kato, H. Ishihara, and Yousoo Kim
    Science 02 Jul 2021: Vol. 373, Issue 6550, pp. 95-98
    DOI: 10.1126/science.abg8790

  6. High-Resolution Measurement of Molecular Internal Polarization Structure by Photoinduced Force Microscopy
    H. Yamane, N. Yokoshi and H. Ishihara
    Applied Science 11, 6937 (2021)

  7. Dispersion relation of spin wave in chiral helimagnet under stationary optical vortex radiation
    Y. Goto, H. Ishihara, and N. Yokoshi
    J. J. Appl. Phys. 60, 098001 (2021)

  8. Optical Trapping of Nanocrystals at Oil/Water Interfaces: Implications for Photocatalysis
    Yasuyuki Tsuboi, Shota Naka, Daiki Yamanishi, Tatsuya Nagai, Ken-ichi Yuyama, Tatsuya Shoji, Bunsho Ohtani, Mamoru Tamura, Takuya Iida, Tatsuya Kameyama, and Tsukasa Torimoto
    ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 4, 11, 11743–11752 (2021)

  9. Formulation of resonant optical force based on the microscopic structure of chiral molecules
    T. Horai, H. Eguchi, T. Iida, and H. Ishihara
    Optics Express Vol. 29, Issue 23, pp. 38824-38840 (2021)

  10. Electromagnetic near-field responses of a chiral molecule on a metal surface
    H Yoneji, N Yokoshi, H Ishihara
    Optical Manipulation and Structured Materials Conference 2021 11926, 72-74

  11. Autonomous vibration of a luminescent thin film arising from luminescence-induced optical force
    H. Arahari, and H. Ishihara
    Proc. SPIE 11926, Optical Manipulation and Structured Materials Conference 2021, 1192615 (27 October 2021)

  12. Theoretical study on modeling and sorting of real Chiral molecules by using resonant optical force
    T. Horai, H. Eguchi, T. Iida, and H. Ishihara
    Proc. SPIE 11926, Optical Manipulation and Structured Materials Conference 2021, 119260M (27 October 2021)


  1. H. Ishihara, M. Hoshina, H. Yamane, and N. Yokoshi
    "Light-Nanomatter Chiral Interaction in Optical Force Effects"
    Chirality, Magnetism and Magnetoelectricity: Separate Phenomena and Joint Effects in Metamaterial Structures, Ed. Eugene Kamenetskii (Springer; 1st ed. 2021).
  2. 石原一
    研究室紹介「大阪大学大学院基礎工学研究科物質創成専攻未来物質領域 ナノ光物性研究室」
    光アライアンス 2021年4月号 60-63
  3. 石原一
    石原 一・ 芦田 昌明 編著 「光圧 ―物質制御のための新しい光利用―」
    朝倉書店 2021年
  4. 藤原英樹・石原 一・笹木敬司
    月刊化学 76巻6号, 53-56 (2021)(化学同人)



  1. Plasmonic Manipulation of DNA using a Combination of Optical and Thermophoretic Forces: Separation of Different-Sized DNA from Mixture Solution
    T. Shoji, K. Itoh, J. Saitoh, N. Kitamura, T. Yoshii, K. Murakoshi, Y. Yamada, T. Yokoyama, H. Ishihara and Y. Tsuboi
    Scientific Reports 10, Article number: 3349 (2020)

  2. Thermal free ultrafast luminescence due to nonlocal light-matter interaction (Conference Presentation)
    M. Ichimiya, T. Matsuda, H. Ishihara and M. Ashida
    Ultrafast Phenomena and Nanophotonics XXIV 11278, 112780U (2020)

  3. Nanoscale rotational optical manipulation
    M. Hoshina, N. Yokoshi and H. Ishihara
    Optics Express 28, 14980-14994 (2020)

  4. Proposed method for highly selective resonant optical manipulation using counter-propagating lightt waves
    T. Wada, H. Fujiwara, K. Sasaki, and H. Ishihara
    Nanophotonics 9(10), 3335-3345 (2020)

  5. Theoretical analysis of optically selective imaging in photoinduced force microscopy
    H. Yamane, J. Yamanishi, N. Yokoshi, Y. Sugawara, and H. Ishihara
    Optics Express 28(23), 34787-34803 (2020)


  1. 芦田昌明、石原一
    「ナノとマイクロのクロスオーバー領域における量子効果と超放射 ーサーマルフリーフォトニクスー」
    『生産と技術』Vol.72, No.2, 71 (2020).



  1. Femtosecond radiative decay of two excitons coupled via radiation-induced interaction in ZnO thin films (Conference Presentation)
    M. Ichimiya, T. Matsuda, T. Kinoshita, M. Nakayama, H. Ishihara and M. Ashida
    Ultrafast Phenomena and Nanophotonics XXIII 10916, 109160K (2019)

  2. Proposed scheme of realization of artificial nano-heterostructures by optical force under double resonance
    Y. Yamada, M. Hoshina, T. Yokoyama and H. Ishihara
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1220, 012040 (2019)

  3. Optical selection rule of monolayer transition metal dichalcogenide by an optical vortex
    S. Ishii, N. Yokoshi and H. Ishihara
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1220, 012056 (2019)

  4. Ultrafast Photoluminescence without Phonon Scattering Due to Nonlocal Light-Matter Interaction
    M. Ichimiya, T. Matsuda, H. Ishihara and M. Ashida
    CLEO: Science and Innovations, JW2A, 32 (2019)

  5. Proposed method of single-particle absorption measurement based on optical transport at solid-liquid interface
    T. Wada, H. Ishihara
    Proc. SPIE 11141, Optical Manipulation and Structured Materials Conference, 1114101 1114101-34, (2019)

  6. Rotation control of nanoparticles by optical force using resonant nonlinear response
    M. Hoshina, N. Yokoshi, H. Ishihara
    Proc. SPIE 11141, Optical Manipulation and Structured Materials Conference, 1114101 1114101-41, (2019)

  7. Proposal of an optical-force probe for chirality sensing of metallic nanostructures
    N. Yokoshi, M. Hoshina, H. Ishihara
    Proc. SPIE 11141, Optical Manipulation and Structured Materials Conference, 1114101 1114101-53, (2019)

  8. Numerical demonstration of the alignment of multiple nanoparticles in a wide area beyond single focal laser spot
    Y. Tao, T. Matsuura, T. Yokoyama, H. Ishihara
    Proc. SPIE 11141, Optical Manipulation and Structured Materials Conference, 1114101 1114101-93, (2019)

  9. Polarization-Dependence of Optical Trapping on Polystyrene Nanoparticles and Their Assembly Formation
    T. Yokoyama, T. Matsuura, Y. Tao, H. Ishihara
    Proc. SPIE 11141, Optical Manipulation and Structured Materials Conference, 1114101 1114101-95, (2019)

  10. Transition strength of a standing optical vortex beam in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenidess
    S. Ishii, N. Yokoshi, H. Ishihara
    Proc. SPIE 11141, Optical Manipulation and Structured Materials Conference, 1114101 1114101-144, (2019)

  11. Giant enhancement of cooperative effect in superfluorescence of arranged molecules by nanoscale metallic structures
    H. Shiraki, M. Hoshina, N. Yokoshi, and H. Ishihara
    Proc. SPIE 11141, Optical Manipulation and Structured Materials Conference, 1114101 1114101-212, (2019)

  12. Dissipation effect on optical force and torque near interfaces
    D. Oue
    Journal of Optics, Vol. 21, p. 065601 (2019)

  13. Up-conversion superfluorescence induced by abrupt truncation of coherent field and plasmonic nanocavity
    R. Hata, N. Yokoshi, H. Ajiki, and H. Ishihara
    The Journal of Chemical Physics 151, 224307 (2019)

  14. Ultrafast thermal-free photoluminescence of coherently extended single quantum states
    T. Matsuda, M. Ichimiya, M. Ashida and H. Ishihara
    Scientific Reports 9, Article number: 8453 (2019)

  15. Synergetic Enhancement of Light-Matter Interaction by Nonlocality and Band Degeneracy in ZnO Thin Films
    T. Kinoshita, T. Matsuda, T. Takahashi, M. Ichimiya, M. Ashida, Y. Furukawa, M. Nakayama, and H. Ishihara
    Physical Review Letters Vol. 122, p. 157401 (2019)


  1. H. Ishihara
    "Nanoscale Optical Response"
    Comprehensive Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (Second Edition), Vol. 4, 2019, pp. 323–346 (Elsevier Science and Technology).
  2. 石原 一
    CSJカレントレビュー 「プラズモンと光圧が導くナノ物質科学  -ナノ空間に閉じ込めた光で物質を制御す-」(化学同人)(2019).
  3. 石原 一、芦田 昌明
    「発熱するひまがない? – 超高速な光学現象を実証」
    academist Journal 2019年9月17日.
  4. 石原 一
    『生産と技術』Vol. 71, No. 4, 31(2019).
  5. 石原 一
    光アライアンス Vol. 30, No. 10, p28 (2019).



  1. Proposed selective optical transport of nanoparticles using counterpropagating beams
    T. Wada and H. Ishihara
    Proc. SPIE 10712, Optical Manipulation Conference, 107121P (2018)

  2. Super-Resolution Trapping: A Nanoparticle Manipulation Using Nonlinear Optical Response
    M. Hoshina, N. Yokoshi, H. Okamoto, and H. Ishihara
    ACS Photonics Vol. 5, pp. 318–323 (2018)

  3. Vacuum Bloch–Siegert shift in Landau polaritons with ultra-high cooperativity
    X. Li, M. Bamba, Q. Zhang, S. Fallahi, G. C. Gardner, W. Gao, M. Lou, K. Yoshioka, M. J. Manfra, and J. Kono
    Nature Photonics Vol. 12, Iss. 6, pp. 324–329 (2018)

  4. Continuous transition between weak and ultra-strong coupling through exceptional points in carbon nanotube micro-cavity exciton polaritons
    W. Gao, X. Li, M. Bamba, and J. Kono
    Nature Photonics Vol. 12, Iss. 6, pp. 362–368 (2018)

  5. Spontaneous resonance between bound and delocalized excitons caused by enhanced radiative corrections
    T. Kinoshita, T. Matsuda, and H. Ishihara
    Physical Review B Vol. 97, p. 195451 (2018)

  6. Observation of Dicke Cooperativity in Magnetic Interactions
    X. Li, M. Bamba, N. Yuan, Q. Zhang, Y. Zhao, M. Xiang, K. Xu, Z. Jin, W. Ren, G. Ma, S. Cao, D. Turchinovich, and J. Kono
    Science Vol. 361, Iss. 6404, pp. 794–797 (2018)

  7. Transient dynamics of super Bloch oscillations of a one dimensional Holstein polaron under the influence of an external AC electric field
    Z. Huang, M. Hoshina, H. Ishihara, and Y. Zhao
    Annalen der Physik (2018)


  1. N. Yokoshi and H. Ishihara
    "Giant multiphoton absorption in silicon"
    Nature Photonics vol. 12, pp. 125–126 (2018).
  2. 石原 一
    レーザー研究 Vol. 46, No. 4 pp. 173–177 (2018).
  3. 馬場 基彰
    日本物理学会誌8月号 vol. 73, pp. 540–541 (2018).
  4. 石原 一
    光技術コンタクト Vol. 56, 12月号, pp. 16–22 (2018)
  5. 石原 一
    チュートリアル論文 第29回光物性研究会論文集, pp. 1–8 (2018).
  6. 石原 一
    ノーベル物理学賞受賞解説記事 2018年10月2日.



  1. Synchronization Dynamics in a Designed Open System
    N. Yokoshi, K. Odagiri, A. Ishikawa, and H. Ishihara
    Physical Review Letters Vol. 118, p. 203601 (2017)

  2. Design of nonlinear optical response of multipole-type excitons by film thickness and incident pulse width
    T. Kinoshita and H. Ishihara
    Physical Review B Vol. 95, p. 155418 (2017)

  3. Resonance optical trapping of individual dye-doped polystyrene particles with blue- and red-detuned lasers
    T. Kudo, H. Ishihara, and H. Masuhara
    Optics Express Vol. 25, Iss. 5, pp. 4655–4664 (2017)

  4. Weak-Light Nonlinearity Using a Dark State in Coupled Quantum Dots
    N. Yokoshi and H. Ishihara
    Journal of the Physical Society of Japan Vol. 86, p. 083401 (2017)

  5. Proposal of highly efficient photoemitter with strong photon-harvesting capability and exciton superradiance
    T. Matsuda and H. Ishihara
    Applied Physics Letters Vol. 111, p. 063108 (2017)


  1. 横山 知大
    日本物理学会誌6月号 vol. 72, pp. 402–407 (2017).

